
Congratulations on finding this page! Welcome!  If you are 50 years or over, or have a relative or friend who could benefit by injecting purpose, meaning, happiness and connectedness to current realities or to  future years -- this blog has something to offer you.

The notion that "Aging is not for sissies" stems from the reality that as we age we often have to undergo unwelcome changes and adjust to new realities that may involve losing something we had valued and enjoyed. To age successfully, a good measure of resilience is needed. We can develop our capacity for fresilience in the same way that one can train a muscle to grow.  But first, what is resilience?

RESILIENCE is the ability to adapt to the changes, meet the challenges, and bounce back from life’s adversities.
  • You are not alone! Others are also experiencing life-changes in their relationships, work, finances, health, housing, and leisure.  Becoming aware of how to age with resilience will turn your lemons into lemonade.
  • Aging-related changes can frighten and depress, examining and dealing with issues in consultation with others can make a huge difference.
  • You can develop your resilience and discover strategies to age successfully, creatively and to live with passion, meaning, purpose and vitality.
 You are invited to participate in a Resilient Aging Circle where you will have an opportunity to:
  • Share the truth of your aging-related concerns and problem-solve with Dr. Bar-David and with others going through similar processes. You will be encouraged as you act on new awareness and choices.
  • Find ways to focus on positive opportunities rather than on negative limitations in shaping the next chapter of life.
  • Find ways to care for yourself as you also care for others.
  • Have fun, be heard, feel connected and energized.
  • Remember, you may have many more years to live than you had previously imagined. Embark on this opportunity to re-vision your third phase of life..

Contact Geila to:
  • Understand what it takes to age with resilience.
  • Connect with others in a meaningful way, develop new friendships and a community that will fend off isolation and loneliness and support you in the years ahead.
  • Find ways to deal with aging-related myths, fears and concerns.
  • Grow and make the best of the years ahead, rather than shrink and live with growing regrets.

Are you 50 years or older or have a relative, friend or client who is?
  • Register to participate in Fall group circles.
  • Make an appointment for personal coaching sessions with Dr. Bar-David (in person, visit at my TO office).
  • Make an appointment for telephone/Skype coaching sessions.
  • Recommend the services to family, clients and friends.
  • Invite Dr. Bar-David to lead a seminar or workshop on Resilient Aging.